I love blazers, but I especially love this one because it is the only plaid item that I can pair with anything!
This blazer is great for those out job hunting that want to drop off applications looking polished yet not too dressy.I paired this plaid blazer with Levi’s legging jeans but you could definitely dress it up with slacks if you are going on an actual interview. Obviously you should wear a full camisole or top underneath, I just made it a little sexier for photography purposes.

Students transitioning into the warmer weather, this blazer is made for you so that you have no excuse to be wearing a hoodie all day long! The warm colors are just so comforting like the fall weather, which is a clear departure from the standard black blazer. However, it still remains structured and stylish enough for you to wear on a lunch date. I purchased mine on sale at H&M for $20 but the original price was $49.99. I can definitely recommend their clothes to anyone as the quality is outstanding for the price!